At Ley Hill School physical activity is paramount. We firmly believe that regular physical exercise and healthy eating have a great impact on the well-being of the whole child. At any time of the school day, children can be seen enjoying some form of physical activity whether playtime, curriculum or extra-curricular time. All pupils experience at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day and have 2 hours of Physical Education each week.
We truly believe that there is a sport for all pupils whatever their talent and preference. We offer a wide variety of activities to suit all tastes, ranging from football and netball to table tennis and dance. We are blessed with great facilities: a large field with a fitness trail, two spacious playgrounds with climbing frames, a climbing wall, outdoor table tennis table and a school hall.
Competition is encouraged through intra-school events such as Sports Days and Skipathons. Each half term, every class participates in an intra-school competition within their house groups, which is linked to the games lessons they have been having that half term. All pupils, from Reception to Year 6, compete in at least two inter-school competitions each year organised by the Schools Sports Partnership and links made with other schools. This Autumn, we are hoping to join other schools in a local league where Year 5 and 6 pupils will compete against other Chesham schools.
We enjoy strong community links with local clubs. We have made links with our local football clubs, tennis clubs, and gymnastic coaching. We have a number of after school clubs and extra-curricular activities available to our pupils and encouarge all of our pupils to take part in at least one of these.
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