
School Council

Our School Council


At Ley Hill Primary School, we have a group of children who form our School Council every year. Every child from Year 1 to Year 6 has the opportunity to put themselves forward to be a school councillor.

These children are responsible for:


  • Working with their classes to discuss any current issues, concerns or developments
  • Feeding back relevant information after School Council meetings to their class and class teacher
  • Selecting a charity for our school to support
  • Organising events to help raise money for the nominated charity
  • Making informed decisions about our school, eg: new playground equipment
  • Inviting visitors into our school when appropriate
  • Working in and communicating with the local community, eg: advertising events, visiting local businesses

We value the role of the School Council in our school as we believe it allows children:


  • To develop confidence and interpersonal skills
  • To be actively involved in decision making that will have a direct impact on their community
  • To work with a range of people, eg: adults from local businesses
  • To begin to understand how a democracy means working fairly
  • To have a voice within their local community
  • To reflect on the needs of their school and chosen charity

Welcome to our School Council Eco News!


We are passionate about the world around us. As a school with such wonderful surroundings, we are inspired everyday to look after our school environment and to celebrate it by encouraging others to look after the world we live in. We are responsible for embedding eco awareness in our whole school community. We have our own roles and responsibilities for ensuring our school is eco friendly. Our School council are working very hard to make our school more environmentally friendly. We are very happy and proud of our achievements so far!!


We have been addressing the following nine elements:


  • Energy
  • Litter
  • School grounds
  • Waste minimisation
  • Global perspectives
  • Biodiversity
  • Water
  • Healthy living
  • Transport


We have an Eco Warrior team which comprises of one representative elected from each class in Years 1 – 6. The team meets every half term to discuss current issues around the 9 elements and how they may be addressed in school.


Every new project undertaken at school takes environmental consequences into consideration as we try to minimize the impact on our environment.


To find out more go to:



