Please contact the School Office if you would like to come and see the Nursery. We would be delighted to show you round.
Nursery Offer
All three and four year olds are entitled to 15 hours early education funding.
Children may start in the Nursery the term after their third birthday.
Our 15 hour funded offer can be taken in morning or afternoon sessions.
Lunch Club
Our Lunch Club gives priority is children attending full days in the Nursery. Children will need to bring a packed lunch.
Our Session Times
Morning Sessions | 8.45am - 11.45am |
Afternoon sessions | 12.15pm - 3.15pm |
Lunch Club | 11.45am -12.15pm |
Full Days including Lunch Club | 8.45am - 3.15pm |
30 hour Extended Childcare
For further information about childcare funding visit;
Please read our admissions policy for EYFS
Our Vision for Our Children
In EYFS we provide a safe, secure environment with adults who nurture child’s individualism and are a caring, supportive influence in their lives. This ensures our children enjoy coming to school and have a positive sense of self.
We have a curriculum that builds understanding and respect for everyone’s differences and the natural diversity of our wider world. Children are taught to be responsible citizens, who are grateful for the world we live in, care for our environment and experience a sense of awe and wonder for the things they see around them, and the worlds we help them create.
Our language rich environments, full of talk, laughter and the written word, help children build vocabulary and encourages them to experiment with words and phrases. We expose them to words and worlds they may not already know, through stories and a wide range of experiences. We want to foster a love of stories and books, developing a curiosity for finding things out and a questioning, creative and imaginative outlook to learning and life.
We think it’s important that our children become good communicators, are able to listen and respond to their friends and adults, building positive relationships, managing their emotions and learning to negotiate with peers in playful situations. We help them to use talk to organise their ideas and share these with others, becoming collaborative thinkers and working well with others on a shared goal.
We want our children to be emotionally intelligent, able to moderate and share their feelings, as well as understand those of others. Children are supported to become independent in all they do, developing a ‘can do’ attitude and persevere when things are tricky, enjoying the sense of pride in themselves when they have achieved their goal.
We create an environment where children feel safe enough to take calculated risks in their learning and play, secure in the knowledge that the adults or their friends will be close at hand if they need a little help.
The Foundation Stage Curriculum
The Foundation Stage is part of the national curriculum and covers the years from birth to the end of the Reception year.
Our Nursery here at Ley Hill School follows the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum as set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. This Framework underpins all future learning and is a statutory requirement for children from birth to five in Early Years settings. It covers seven areas of learning, but in Nursery we focus largely on the Prime areas of communication and language, physical development and personal, social and emotional development.
The Foundation Stage Curriculum in Our Nursery
The Foundation Stage curriculum is applied through a creative and stimulating approach both inside and outdoors. Staff plan a wide range of learning experiences that build on children’s interests and what children already know and can do. These learning experiences encourage “playing and exploring”, “active learning” and “creating and thinking critically” – the characteristics of effective learning.
Nursery is well resourced to ensure children have a wide range of learning opportunities. We pride ourselves on our outdoor learning and make full use of the school grounds all year round and in all weathers. Children are encouraged to become independent learners and learning through play and self-directed activities, together with carefully planned adult-led learning experiences are at the heart of this excellent provision.
Please visit our class page for more information about the Nursery.
Please provide your name, address and best contact number as well as your child's name and date of birth. If you have any preferred session for your child's attendance please also provide these and we will do our best to accommodate.