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Student Leadership

School Council


At Ley Hill Primary School, we have a group of children who form our School Council every year. Every child from Year 1 to Year 6 has the opportunity to put themselves forward to be a school councillor.

These children are responsible for:


  • Working with their classes to discuss any current issues, concerns or developments
  • Feeding back relevant information after School Council meetings to their class and class teacher
  • Selecting a charity for our school to support (where applicable) 
  • Organising events to help raise money for the nominated charity and for school equipment 
  • Making informed decisions about our school, eg: new playground equipment
  • Providing tours for visitors and interviewing potential staff candidates 
  • Working in and communicating with the local community, eg: advertising events, visiting local businesses

We value the role of the School Council in our school as we believe it allows children:


  • To develop confidence and interpersonal skills
  • To be actively involved in decision making that will have a direct impact on their community
  • To work with a range of people, eg: adults from local businesses
  • To begin to understand how a democracy means working fairly
  • To have a voice within their local community
  • To reflect on the needs of their school and chosen charity

House Captains and House Ambassadors


    The role of a Ley Hill School House Captain and their ambassadors, is one of privilege, pride and responsibility. They are more than just a title and badge and require dedication and commitment for an entire year. The House Captains are elected using a democratic voting system by their fellow peers. Each House Captain and their ambassadors are responsible for the success of their house team, encouraging them to collect as many house points as possible each week – which are then shared and celebrated in our Friday assemblies.

    Ley Hill School have four houses: Badgers (blue), Deer (green), Foxes (red) and Owls (yellow) who each possess different characteristics. Each house has their own chant to reflect their characteristics, fostering a sense of purpose and healthy competition.   


    Characteristics of our House Captains (and their ambassadors)

    • Polite and well-mannered
    • Organised and committed
    • Confident speakers
    • Well-presented in uniform and appearance
    • Able to liaise and converse with staff, children and the wider community
    • Desire to act responsibly and to be a role model for others
    • Be caring, mature and honest

    We expect our House Captains (and their ambassadors) to:

    • Be positive role models and ambassador for the school, demonstrating the 6R Ley Hill School values
    • Be enthusiastic and committed to the House System at Ley Hill School
    • Be friendly and positive with all children; particularly those within their House Family
    • Be part of the team of House Captains (and ambassadors) who work together to achieve success for all
    • To lead and support the children within their House during the many House Competitions we hold at Ley Hill School
    • To help organise and lead regular House Meetings alongside the staff House Leader
    • To help collect, monitor and announce House Points in assembly
    • To inspire the children within their House
    • To be excellent role models in behaviour, attitude and dress at all times


    Subject Champions


    As part of our child centred curriculum, each subject in our curriculum has a special group of subject champions. These children from Year 6 and are passionate subject specialists who represent the voice of our children working alongside the subject leader to ensure our curriculum is driven by the needs and interests of our Ley Hill School family.

    To become a curriculum champion, every child completes a curriculum champion application form outlining why they would make a great champion and what they would bring to the role. They work closely with our Staff Subject Leaders to ensure that the curriculum is enriching, engaging, provides wider learning opportunities and is responsive to pupil voice surveys. 


    The Ley Hill School approach to Curriculum Champions is designed to:

    • Place our children at the heart of our curriculum, encouraging them to have a voice and understand the role they play as subject leaders
    • Allow our children to take increased ownership and responsibility, understanding the importance of their opinions in supporting the development of a responsive curriculum
    • Develop our curriculum in line with our children’s interests and needs
    • Promote inclusion across our school valuing the contributions of every child
    • Provide a platform for children to express their passion for specific areas of the curriculum celebrating their learning, building upon their talents, interests and hobbies

    Peer Mentors


    Ley Hill School are fortunate enough to be have a small group of Peer Mentors in years 5 & 6, whose purpose is to provide support and guidance to other children in younger year groups who may find elements of school difficult. They are amazing role models who dedicate their time to others at lunchtimes so as to ensure that the 6R values are upheld, and that all our children feel part of our school community and are appreciated.


    The Peer Mentors have to apply for this position and undertake explicit training before becoming fully-fledged and ready for the role stowed upon them. Their training includes how to support the following issues that can be encountered when growing up:

    • school work
    • friendship breakdown
    • loneliness
    • peer pressure
    • potential bullying 


    Each day, the peer mentors receive supervision by Mrs Osborne and Mrs Bennett with their mentoring to ensure that the worries of other children are not carried with them through the day.
