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Medical Forms

From time to time we need to administer medication during the school day. Please see below aspects of our ‘Managing Medicines in School Policy’, which will hopefully clarify the expected arrangements.


Medication should only be in school when absolutely essential. Parents must complete a medication consent form which is kept in the school office before any medication can be administered by staff. Medicine prescribed 3 times a day or less will not be given in school as the recommended dosage can be taken before and after school. However, medication will be administered if the dosage is 4 times a day. Parents are welcome to come into school at lunchtime if they wish to administer medicine themselves outside of these arrangements.


All medicine should be:


  • In its original container as dispensed by a pharmacist and include the prescribed instructions for administration. Medicine not in its original packaging cannot be administered.
  • Brought to the school by parents daily (collecting medicine at the end of the day is the parent’s responsibility).


Non-prescription medicines sent from home cannot be administered. Parents whose child regularly takes non-prescription medicine are encouraged to discuss with their GP, whether it is appropriate for the medicine to be prescribed.
