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Read Write Inc.

We, at Ley Hill, are a Read Write Inc. school and follow this rigorous programme to support all children to develop the skills they need to be able to read confidently and fluently - for learning and for pleasure.
At Ley Hill, we teach the RWI phonics and reading programme to Reception, Year 1, and Year 2. Any pupils needing extra phonics tuition in KS2 have the one-to-one Fresh Start intervention on top of their reading lessons in class.

Do you want to know more about Read Write Inc. Phonics? Watch this film to see how our programme is so much more than a Phonics programme.


The link below will take you to the Ruth Miskin website (the founder of RWI), where you can learn more about what RWI is and how you can support your child's reading at home:

How to say your pure sounds: 


Blending sounds into words (Fred Talk):


Special Friends / reading diagraphs with your child at home:


Tips on listening to your child read:


Tips on reading to your child:
